a deadly virus, a top-secret research program and 120 minutes to save the world's inhabitants from losing their minds...
Assemble your team and step into an undercover spy operation. Your team of secret agents has been handed classified information about Spider Tech, the company behind a top-secret research program that, if successful, will give them the power to control the human mind.
Spider Tech leaked a dormant but deadly virus into the global water system. In just two-hours time, they will activate the virus from their secure HQ servers in Fremantle and gain control of the world.
Under the code name Operation Mindfall, your team must find the anti-virus and destroy Spider Tech’s servers to foil the evil company's plan. Pressure from foreign governments is mounting, the clock is ticking and the fate of the world rests in your hands!
Players: 2 to 6 per team
(up to 50 teams can play concurrently)
Time to play: 90 to 120 minutes
Age Range: 12 and up
how it works
Our simple and intuitive software makes it easy to set up and start the adventure!
Most teams play the game outdoors but we can support indoor play, too. Explore the city and save the day!
Operational Mindfall can be played by a single team but can support over 50 teams playing competitively!
If you get stuck you can always call on a virtual assistant to help you figure out your next move.
Operation Mindfall is an immersive augmented reality experience. Your team will rely on physical and digital equipment to save the day.
You've got up to two hours to finish the mission, and save the human race!